-- To find Credit analyst name for the given case folder name. ------
select source_name credit_analyst_ name, source_job_title Job_Title, case_folder_number, usr.user_name User, usr.description
from jtf_rs_resource_extns res ,
ar_cmgt_case_folders cf,
fnd_user usr
res.resource_id = cf.credit_analyst_id
and case_folder_number = '
and res.user_id = usr.user_id
-- ====== to find out credit analyst assigned to Rule Name -----
select rule_name, result_value , usr.user_name credit_analyst_name , res.resource_id
from fun_rule_details fun, jtf_rs_resource_extns res, fnd_user usr
where rule_name = '
fun.result_value = res.resource_id
and res.user_id = usr.user_id
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