Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Enabling/disabling DATE parameters of a concurrent program

Question: How to enable/disable date parameters of a concurrent program  based on certain condition.?
Answer: Handling number and text parameters had been discussed in the following blogs.
and one more at http://sureshvaishya.blogspot.com/.

My requirement was different. I wanted to enable/disable DATE parameters based on user input.

Refer to the screenshots to understand what the intended functionality is ..

As shown in the screen, If the value for "Include Manual Invoices" parameter is "Yes", then enable and accept values for  parameters "Invoice Txn Date From" and "Invoice Txn Date To".

If the value for "Include Manual Invoices" parameter is "No", then disable parameters "Invoice Txn Date From" and "Invoice Txn Date To".

Let's get to details, how we can implement the functionality discussed above.

I am not going to discuss other parameters, which are not related to Enabling/disabling - functionality.

Note: As you might have noticed, I intentionally removed/masked custom names while taking screenshots.
Ex: Conc. Program Name, Application Name etc.

1. Define controlling parameter, which can be based on any "Yes_or_No" valueset.
In my example - I used valueset called "CST_SRS_SYS_YES_NO".

2. Define parameter - P_HIDDEN_PARAM. As it's name suggests, this is a hidden parameter, which will not be visible when we submit the conc. program.
This parameter is directly dependant on the previous parameter - "Include Manual Invoices"

Set it's Default Type as  "SQL Statement " and
Default value as - "select decode(:$FLEX$.CST_SRS_SYS_YES_NO,'Y','Y',null) from dual".

3. Define custom valueset, which will used for the date parameters - "Invoice Txn Date From" and "Invoice Txn Date To".

- Enter valueset name , Select Format Type as Standard Date. Refer to the screenshot below for other details.

a) Click on Edit Information and enter forllowing query in Table Name field.
(SELECT (TO_DATE (SYSDATE - 200 + LEVEL, 'DD-MON-RRRR')) date_range FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 1000)temp_tab

I am using "CONNECT BY LEVEL" concept to produce dates with the range of 1000 days.
You can modify 1000 to any other figure as per your requirement.
b) Set Value Name as date_range, which is nothing but the alias name in the query above.
c) Eter following WHERE clause in Where/Order By field.


4. Attach newly created Value Set for the date parameters - "Invoice Txn Date From" and Invoice "Txn Date To" as shown below.

Save your changes and test it. If you have done all the setups correctly, you will see "Enabling/disabling" functionality something like this..

Write to me if you have any questions.

Discoverer 4i to BI Discoverer 10g Migration

Oracle Corp. recently(one year back) decommissioned it's discoverer 4i and it's previous versions.
This triggered many companies to upgrade from Old versions of Discoverer to Discoverer 10g.
Some time back, I got an opportunity to lead such kind of project with one of my clients.
The objective of this paper is to upgrade the discoverer to the latest supported version.

This paper covers the following topics
Installation and configuration of Oracle Application Server 10g on apps environment
Application of required patches.
Import of existing reports into Discoverer 10g.

Important Notes:
1. Discoverer 10 can be implemented in two models.
a. Standalone Installation
b. Oracle 10g AS with Infrastructure

My client selected "Standalone" method. So my and papers talks about - Standalone, but not Oracle 10g AS with Infrastructure

2. Some companies use Noetix views and many companies may not have implemented Noetix.
a. If your client is not using Noetix views, you can ignore the step - "Noetix Upgrade" in this paper.
b. In my project, it involved Noetix upgradation also.

Steps In Brief
Noetix Upgrade [Optional]
Application Patches
Oracle Bi 10g Installation And Configuration
Configuration With E-Business 11i
Port Information
Patch Application On Oracle Bi 10g
EUL Migration
Pre-Installation Tasks
DB Schema Creation And Import
EUL Upgradation
Post-Installation Tasks
Audit Trail Reports
Rollback Plan

Follow complete documentation at the link below.


Write to me if you have any questions.